
Posts Tagged ‘30-years-old’

Here it is, midweek already.  I haven’t been blogging here much, but I’ve been busy at “Hello, I’m a Carboholic“. 

So what shall we talk about?  The heat and humidity?  NAAHHHH!  I think we’ve all had more than enough of that subject. How about birthdays!  OK…

Say it isn't so!

One of my grandsons is the big 05 today, and as he says, “That’s a lot of fingers”!  However, his mother (my daughter) will be…well, one year over 29…in September.  GASP!  No, that’s not possible.  I cannot have a 30-year-old child.  Even though I have all those grandkids…having a 30-year-old just seems impossible.

I clearly remember turning 30 myself!  It was a Sunday, I was at church.  I may have even been wearing some tacky bright flowered shirt.  (Can’t remember what I did yesterday though)  I also remember being grateful that I even made it to 30.  Yes, bad choices and rough living can take a toll.  Sigh…OK, I guess it might be possible that she’s turning 30. 

Now days I am grateful that so many of those bad choices are behind me, yet struggle every day to maintain the new life.

“This means that anyone who belongs to Christ has become a new person. The old life is gone; a new life has begun!” 2 Corinthians 5:17

So then I don’t have to STRUGGLE?!  The price is already paid for me?  Whooo hooooo!

Happy birthday to the Big 5-year-old.  And Happy Pre-Birthday to the … gulp! … 30-year-old. 

What mile-stones are your family celebrating this year?

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